Monday, May 12, 2014

Bedraggled - Yup Thats Me

I'm really having a hard time getting into the groove of living "up north."   I've got to get a routine going and it's just not happening so far.   

What I did before when I got in this slump was make a list when I first get up in the morrning and write down expectations I had for myself that day, nothing mind shattering but things to keep me on track. 

An example would be, hula hoop 30 min , walk or ride my bike 2 miles, contact someone and maybe write 1000 words.  It really got me going and jump started my day, guess I need to do it again. 

Charlie exhausted me today.  He raked the side of the house, front lawn, flower beds and removed all the dirt from our driveway!  He's trying to wear me out just watching him. 

I helped very little, yard work is not my thing, poking in the dirt is as far as I go. (We won't get into my dislike of real estate maintaince.)  But, I did bring drinks and nutritional sustenance to him, and of course nag him to stop and come in every once in awhile  - really, isn't that what June Cleaver would do.   

He did a wonderful job, here's the pic, check out all the leaves he raked down to the street! 

Sparkle has the right idea on a hot day- just lay down an relax she's my mentor. 

Well off I go, I have to recover from all that hard work Charlie did. 



  1. Ha!!! Love Sparkle.
    When will I be that someone you call????

  2. I thought you liked working
    In yard getting your hands
    dirty. Welcome home.
