Monday, December 15, 2014

Dear Mark,

We had a fun fantastic weekend. 
Saturday was the Ripley family Monopoly game, played by the guys. Daniel won. 

 The ladies- I can say that about us because we were quiet and civil as compared to others in the house, made coffee filter snowflakes. 

Everyone had a good time from the sounds of it and the smiles we all wore. 

After the game and crafts we ordered take out and had a great companionable meal. 

Sunday started leisurely with our Sunday morning news show.  

Around eleven Charlie drove me to Tori's so I could spend the day together, I told her I'd help her sort some stuff she had and was not sure what to do with it.  It all turned out great and I got to spend some quality time with my daughter befor I head south. 

She has the most adorable kitten. 

Well that wraps up the weekend - Oh I only got one nap - on Saturday before  the family game.  Just though you wanted to know. 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Winter Wonderland

Here are some pics from my ride to my moms Thursday (Charlie was driving not me)

These are not normal scenes for upstate New York in early December. 

Looking out our front window. 

These shots were taken going down her driveway. 

Well I guess that's where the song comes from - "Over the river and through the woods" - We should have had a sleigh - LOL



Finishing up Friday. 

Mitts are done!

Tree is up. Yes! That's our tree we love it , don't tease. 

The snow has stopped ..... For now. 

So now I'm fill this binder with the letters coming in 2015 ❤️

See you Monday. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Snow, Rain, Slush More Snow.


All this wet cold weather has me trapped in the house like a mouse hiding from a cat. 

I did get my Fountain Pen Pal swap done. Five pages of 11 by 8 paper, full. I was lucky the partner I got was a partner from a previous swap so I knew a little about her which made writing so much easier. 

Did you notice the pic was upside down????

Charlie rigged up a plow for the front of his snow blower today. There was no blowing that stuff it was pure slush!!! 

What a clever guy!! 

That's it for today --- Blah Blah....


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Shrink Paper!

Where was I when everyone else was making Shrinky Dinks???? 

It was the 80s I think I was all caught up in cloth diaper pin positioning, that was the extent of my artsy ambition. I can remember being very tired those baby years LOL. 

But!! Alas!! I have found them now.
  My paper just arrived in the mail over the weekend and my schedule was booked.  So, today I tried a few projects. 

I just had to try a crow.  Where to put the ring hole was a problem so I drew a harvest moon over his shoulder. Yup, that'll work. 

Not totally flattering but being the Mom I like it anyway. I wanted to try tracing in colored pencil, not to bad, gives me a good idea of what's possible. 

I HAD to try a ring ! Which involves math due to the shrinkage rate, I determined its just under 1/3 % of original. 

It is a fun cute project, I can't wait to make more. 

Let's not forget my ongoing project of "The 25 days of December" it's a tiny journal with snippets of each day leading up to Christmas. 
Not too thick yet. 

Oh! I must include there was no nap today? 
Humm.... I guess I'll have extra time coming tomorrow. 


Monday, December 8, 2014

Dear Mark,

WOW! What a busy weekend. 
Saturday was Master Noah's 1st Birthday, and what a Celebration he had. 
Cake smash and all! 

(Momma, Noah and Poppy) 

He loves his trike from Poppy. 

And believe me we needed a good nap after all that. 

Sunday was a bit more subdued, as Sunday's should be, LOL

I went to Walmart picked up some groceries, and some cool paper REALLY cheep. 
 Met Victoire for coffee in Lake George before her apt at Extoria...I won't go into that. 

Then home to rest for the evening AHHH...what a great weekend. 

Oh, I sent a whole bunch of post crossing post cards out Friday to people all over the world. 

All is well that ends well. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Cozy Snow......

1971- Yup, that was the year we had the BIG thanksgiving snow storm. 
Where were you? 
 I was at home 11 yrs old, waiting for my aunt and uncle to come to thanksgiving dinner at our house. 
They had to drive from south argyle on rt 40 to our house in north argyle it might as well have been in Plattsburgh.  The roads were barely drivable, my father I think went and got them in the end or plowed them out. 
Good Memories...... 

I just love to cook during a snow storm! I made an awesome soup and we had it for a late lunch. 

Check out this cool craft I did tonight. 
I saw on pintrest that you can use recycle #6 plastic for shrinky dink material. 
Finally today I found  some (Charlie bought us a cannoli to share)  the container was #6 !!! 



350° on a piece of aluminum foil for a minute or two. 

A GREAT day !!! 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Dear Mark

 Here's a look at last week in my planner.  Busy and colorful! 

Saturday I spent the morrning going through my paper craft supplies, that was a big job.  The pic below is towards the end when there was hope in sight. 

That evening we went to a friends birthday party, it was so nice to see everyone, and share in the celebration. 

Sunday we watched the morrning show our Sunday tradition. No shower or quick movements till it is over. LOL 

Then off to deliver the turkey to Charlie's sister so it can continue to thaw at her place and be ready for the oven on "the day". 
When we got there she was down to the barn putting her babies out for fresh air and sunshine. She is very brave! Those horses are huge! She is great with them and loves the farm life. 

Back home for us and down for a "N**".  I didn't say it. 

All in all a wonderful weekend was enjoyed. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Throwback Thursday

Waaaaay back in August Charlie and I went to Weston Vermont to a play at the playhouse. 

It was a lovely day and we had a great time. Charlie really got into the mood. 

The play was Sonya, Vanya,  Marsha and Spike an Anton Ckeckov play. Very funny in a silly sad way.  But it had a great ending. I love dramas vs. musicals and this was perfect. 
An illegal peek at the set. Cameras are forbidden, but the tickets were a generous gift from my mother as an anniversary gift- I wanted her to see the opening set. 

Part of the fun of going is where it is located and how beautiful it is. 
The lounge waiting area overlooks a waterfall from an old grist mill and accross from that is a farmers field, with grazing cows and all. What could be more picturesque and Vermont like? 

We had a lovely sandwich after and drove home in lovely satisfaction of a day well spent.  Grey clouds and droplets could not dampen our day they actually made it cozy and perfect. 
Great memories. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Just a couple pictures today from the home of a friend we visited.  
There were so many great rocks, wish I had taken more pictures to show you. 

This is a very large Quartz.  Bigger than my head! 

It was made into a lamp - reminds me of the moon.
 If I had it I would shut the lights off an gaze at it forever. 

This beautiful device is a kaleidoscope made out of rocks and glass. 

 Soooo pretty!

Rocks are wonderful. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Poles and Wire

Friends to the rescue. 

We spent a cold and blustery day up north in Adirondack, pulling out electric poles and wire. 
The tempature never got above 28° and a stiff wind with it to boot! 
I say we, mostly Charlie and his friends. After I piled a roll of wire I went and took pictures of me and a rock Charlie likes on the property. 

This was certinaly more of a job than we anticipated. Luckily the guys that came had lots of excitement over receiving the wire which sparked lots of muscle needed to remove it. 

The poles were so heavy we had to make two trips to transport them to the "resting place" luckily it wasn't too far. 

We were treated to a good late lunch at the Black Bear in Pottersville- Yes, a nice nap was in order after cold air and a warm meal. 

Looking accross Schroon Lake, the High Peaks have snow! 

By from the Freezer Zone. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Dear Mark,

We sure did a lot this past weekend, well Charlie did.  

Saturday we went to the property and decided what to leave and what to take, packed it up and brought it home.  Charlie arraigned for a neighbor up there to clean out the contents of a garage on the property.  
I would have hatted for him to have to go through all the things that were in there and arrange for their disposal. 

We went home took a nap and ended the day by having an excellant dinner in Luzerne with a friend of ours. 

Sunday we went back up to the property and found that the man who was arranged to clean out the garage was ALL DONE!! Finished with the job!!! 
 I was so thankful and totally surprised.  Goodness I never would have thought it was possible so quickly!!! 

While we were there we meet the people that are buying the property. What a gift it was to meet and talk to them. 
They want to live there year around with their two teenage sons.  How cool is that?  

Ok, I have to say it - we went to Walmart for our weekly FIX!  Aahhh, it felt SOOO good. 

This pic is of the cart of a "coupon master" she had saved enough money couponing to put a down payment on a house. 
If you look close in the top of her cart you can see a HUGE binder - it has all her coupons organized in it.  
She even gave Charlie a coupon for our Jet dry $1. Off, how nice was that!

Take care,